{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Hillshade_2018_3FT_County", "guid": "533FBD13-85CF-496C-A334-563BB3E66931", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Santa Cruz CountyHillshade", "description": "This 3-foot resolution hillshadedepicts shaded relief based on the Digital Terrain Model. Hillshades are usefulfor visual reference when mapping features such as roads and drainagesand for visualizingphysical geography. The hillshade represents the state of the landscape when countywide LiDAR data was collected in 2018 and 2020. Figure 1shows the vintages of LiDAR contained in this raster. Quality level 1 LiDAR (QL1, redareas in figure 1) was collected in 2018. Quality level 2 LiDAR (QL2) was collected in summer, 2020.", "summary": "Santa Cruz CountyHillshade", "title": "Hillshade_2018_3FT_County", "tags": [ "Hillshade" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "https://sczas133.co.santa-cruz.ca.us:6443/arcgis/services/Cache/Hillshade_2018_3FT_County/MapServer", "extent": [ [ -122.322927538232, 36.8415513949513 ], [ -121.576495686902, 37.2957562873669 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_III_FIPS_0403_Feet", "accessInformation": " San Mateo County Resource Conservation District, Cal Fire, California Department of Parks and Recreation, Tukman Geospatial LLC, MidPeninsula Regional Open SpaceDistrict", "licenseInfo": "" }